EUGMP Ch.3:2013年7月改定予定の内容

EUGMPのChapter 3,5,6,8の改訂版が2013年1月17日に発表されました。発効予定が6ケ月後ですので、7月に施行されるものと思われます。もうすぐですね。まず、Chapter 3の改定内容を紹介します。

今回の改定は、交叉汚染防止に関するガイダンスを追加するためにおこないます。Chapter 5も同様に改定されます。ここでは、毒物学的評価に関して補完しています。



Production Area
3.6  Cross-contamination should be avoided for all products by appropriate design and operation of manufacturing facilities. The measures to prevent cross-contamination should be commensurate with the risks.   Quality Risk Management principles should be used to assess and control the risks. Risk assessment should include among other parameters a toxicological evaluation of the products being manufactured (see Guideline on setting health based exposure limits for use in risk identification in the manufacture of different medicinal products in shared facilities).

Dedicated facilities are required for manufacturing when a medicinal product presents a risk:

a) Which cannot be adequately controlled by operational and/ or technical measures or
b) Scientific data does not support threshold values (e.g. allergenic potential from highly sensitising materials such as beta lactams) or
c) Threshold values derived from the toxicological evaluation are below the levels of detection

Further guidance including some exemptions could be found in Chapter 5 and in Annex 2, 3, 4, 5 of the EU detailed guidelines on GMP and the guideline on setting health based exposure limits for use in risk identification in the manufacture of different medicinal products in shared facilities.





Chapter 5とAnnex 2, 3, 4, 5で、適用除外についても述べている。
