今週のFDA Warning letterの抜粋:データインテグリティ

今週FDAのホームページに掲載されたWarning letterのうち、中


WL#: 320-18-47
日付: 2018年4月19日
発行オフィス: CDER
対象会社: Lijiang Yinghua Biochemical and Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd.(中国)
対象品: API
掲載サイト: https://www.fda.gov/ICECI/EnforcementActions/WarningLetters/ucm605392.htm





(“..)φ;多分、FDA-483 の回答書では削除されてしまった根本原因調査が報告され、CAPAの計画書が提出されていると思います。それが十分ではなかったのでしょう。回答書には、カバーしている範囲と具体的な是正方法、さらにその是正方法が有効であることを示す具体的な証拠が必要です。場合によっては、リスクアセスメントのプロセスと結果も提出するほうがよいと思います。そして、経営者の主導のもとで、ガバナンスが構築されていることも大切ですね。この警告書の指摘事項としては、是正の証拠と有効性の証明ができていなかったということです。

2. Failure to maintain complete data derived from all laboratory tests conducted to ensure your API and intermediates comply with established specifications and standards.

Your firm performed HPLC assay testing for (b)(4) API release to the United States, along with stability and intermediate testing, on your Waters HPLC system between September 25, 2011, and May 5, 2017. Official quality control data packages presented to the quality unit for batch disposition decisions reported the results of testing performed during this timeframe on this equipment. During our inspection, when we sought to reconcile assay results reported in the quality control data package for a released batch with the underlying electronic data, you responded that you could not provide the electronic data from laboratory analyses on this equipment for the above period of several years. You explained that the electronic data in question had been deleted by accident and was no longer available.

In your response, you stated that the electronic data had been downloaded to a “mobile hard disk for backup” and that you would be able to recover the data after you have upgraded your HPLC software. However, you did not include evidence to support recovery of deleted electronic data or demonstrate how you will prevent such deletions from recurring in the future.